Medical Imaging Case Collections, Series 1: Comprehensive Revision of Radiology for FRCR 2B
Editors: | Richa Arora |
Publisher: AME Publishing Company (2015)
ISBN-13: 978-9881402721
Hardcover: 200 pages
Language: English
This book is meant for Radiology trainees across the world preparing for their final practical exams, particularly those appearing for 'Part 2B of Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists' examination. It covers all the three components of the exam: long cases, viva cases and Rapid reporting and has more than 300 images with a wide variety of cases often asked in the exam. The book includes cases with all types of imaging modalities (plain radiographs, barium studies, mammograms, Ultrasound, CT, MRI) and all organ systems with particular stress on plain radiographs, as they constitute majority of the exam cases. Thoracic imaging and Musculoskeletal Radiology are given special emphasis too as these cases are more prevalent in the exam and require extra practice. Overall, it is a great book and a must buy for exam going students.
Richa Arora | Department of Radiology and Imageology, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, India |
Table of Content
Image contributors
How to prepare for long cases and oral examination
Section 1—Long cases
Section 2—Oral examinations/viva
Section 3—Rapid reporting
How to prepare for rapid reporting