This Is Life: The Journey Of Uniportal VATS
Editors: | Diego Gonzalez-Rivas, Gening Jiang, Yuming Zhu |
Publisher: AME Publishing Company (2017)
ISBN-13: 978-9881402783
Hardcover: 283 pages
Language: English
The progress of VATS is an ongoing development and challenges to the role of a VATS major resections will never cease to emerge. The information available on Internet, live surgery events and experimental courses has contributed to the rapid learning of minimally invasive surgery during the last decade. While initially slow to catch on, the traditional multi-port approach has evolved into a single incision approach (uniportal VATS) that mimics open surgical vantage points while utilizing a non-rib-spreading small incision. The early period of uniportal VATS development was focused on minor procedures until the second phase uniportal VATS started in 2010 with the development of the technique for major pulmonary resections. The creation of specific uniportal VATS programs in high volume centers, like the Shanghai pulmonary hospital (the biggest thoracic program in the world with more than 8,000 major resections per year) has contributed to spread out the technique to a large number of surgeons from all over the world in a short period of time.
Diego Gonzalez-Rivas | Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Department of Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplantation, Coruña University Hospital and Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery Unit (UCTMI), Coruña, Spain |
Gening Jiang | Department of Thoracic Surgery, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200433, China |
Yuming Zhu | Department of Thoracic Surgery, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200433, China |
Table of Content
General Introduction
1 Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery versus stereotactic radiotherapy for early stage lung cancer: what is the best treatment?
3 Uniportal thoracoscopic surgery: from medical thoracoscopy to non-intubated uniportal video-assisted major pulmonary resections
10 Uniportal VATS—a new era in lung cancer surgery
13 Evolving from conventional video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy to uniportal: the story behind the evolution
18 Evolving thoracic surgery: from open surgery to single port thoracoscopic surgery and future robotic
21 Is uniportal thoracoscopic surgery a feasible approach for advanced stages of non-small cell lung cancer?
29 Multivariate analysis in thoracic research
34 Video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy versus stereotactic radiotherapy for stage I lung cancer
36 Recent advances in uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery
40 Opportunities and challenges for thoracic surgery collaborations in China: a commentary
53 Systematic review and meta-analysis of uniportal versus multiportal video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy for lung cancer
62 Technique of uniportal VATS major pulmonary resections
67 Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy
79 Technical steps in single port video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery lobectomy
86 Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic left upper lobectomy under spontaneous ventilation
88 Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy in the animal model
92 Techniques and difficulties dealing with hilar and interlobar benign lymphadenopathy in uniportal VATS
97 Total anatomic vascular dissection for lobectomy by using only energy devices
99 Management of complications by uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery
104 Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic major pulmonary resections
110 Non-intubated (tubeless) uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy
113 Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic lymph node dissection
117 Subxiphoid mediastinal lymphadenectomy
122 Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic anatomic segmentectomy
131 Single incision video-assisted thoracoscopic anatomic segmentectomy
135 Subxiphoid uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic middle lobectomy and anterior anatomic segmentectomy (S3)
Advanced Resections: Pneumonectomy, Chest Wall and Sleeve
139 Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic pneumonectomy
146 Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy with en bloc chest wall resection
148 Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic right upper sleeve lobectomy
151 Complex uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic sleeve lobectomy during live surgery broadcasting
155 Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic right upper sleeve lobectomy and tracheoplasty in a 10-year-old patient
159 Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic sleeve lobectomy and other complex resections
167 Bronchovascular right upper lobe reconstruction by uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery
170 Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic sleeve resection
172 Double sleeve uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy for non-small cell lung cancer
175 Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic bronchoplastic and carinal sleeve procedures
188 Thoracoscopic double sleeve lobectomy in 13 patients: a series report from multi-centers
Uniportal VATS Experience from Different Countries
197 Double-sleeve and carinal resections using the uniportal VATS technique: a single centre experience
204 Uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery—the experiences of Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital
208 Uniportal VATS: the first German experience
214 Nonintubated uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery course—live surgery
219 Teaching uniportal VATS in Coruña
222 Uniportal lobectomy in Africa: a beginning
225 Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas’ trip to the Philippines in November 2015
228 Management of bleeding from an abnormally located S6 arterial branch in a common origin with S2 branch during live surgery
233 Right pneumonectomy for carcinoid tumor extending through the intermediate bronchus and the interlobar artery
237 The evolution of uniportal video assisted thoracic surgery in Costa Rica
241 Uniportal lobectomy in Jordan—the journey continues
245 Uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery cource in Mexico-first experience
250 First non-intubated uniportal video-assisted pulmonary lobectomy in America
254 Single port training in Latin-American-first uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery masterclass in Santiago, Chile
258 The adoption of uniportal approach in Chile: the experience of a single surgical team from Valparaíso, Chile
Meet the professor
262 Prof. Diego Gonzalez-Rivas & Prof. Alan Sihoe: what do we need to think about uniportal video- assisted thoracoscopic surgery?
265 Dr. Diego Gonzalez-Rivas: uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery has become increasingly important
267 Uniportal VATS live surgery around the world