Indications for Alloplastic TMJ Replacement in Maxillofacial Surgery - An Evidence-Based Review of the Literature
Editor: | Louis G. Mercuri |
Publisher: AME Publishing Company; 1st edition (2023)
ISBN: 978-988-70086-1-3
Hardcover: 115 pages
Language: English
The aim of this evidence-based series is to reduce bias and provide a comprehensive body of knowledge related to the indications for TMJ replacement in cases of ankylosis, failed autogenous and alloplastic reconstructions, trauma, benign and malignant neoplasia, developmental and craniofacial anomalies, skeletally immature pathology, sleep apnea and condylar resorption. Therefore, as its name suggests, an evidence-based review seeks to comprehensively cover the field in order to find the best formula for intervention.
Louis G. Mercuri | Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA; Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA; Stryker/TMJ Concepts, Ventura, CA, USA |
Table of Contents